During the winter months you will find quail will stop laying eggs (perfectly normal), that is until you give them extra light, to do this birds are best bought in from the elements of bad weather that will also upset them.
A pen or hutch inside another building that is suitably equipped with both window & electricity supply is fantastic, enabling you to use a energy efficient bulb, 9 watts should provide plenty of light depending on how many birds you have.
The Quantity of light to ensure a good supply of eggs is 14 hours of light in total per day, so for example in the mid winter when we would only get 8 hours of day light, you can then set a time clock to turn on the extra light for 6 hours a day, therefore giving a total of 14 hours.
I suggest you give the birds the extra light in the morning that way the birds should lay eggs in the late afternoon enabling you to collect the eggs at dusk, this ensures the eggs do not get damaged by frost during the night |